Renata Iakubcheniene, Retroville shopping mall: Plans to open 75% of the mall’s space in August

Renata Iakubcheniene, Retroville shopping mall: Plans to open 75% of the mall’s space in August

29.06.2022 08:45
Костянтин Симоненко

The general director of the Retroville shopping mall and centre in the capital told about the plans to reopen the shopping centre, which was significantly damaged by rocket attacks.

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Portal Commercial Property published the story of Retroville mall and shopping centre general director Renata Iakubcheniene about the difficult decision and the stages of reconstruction of the object. Let’s remind, on June 15 the Retroville shopping centre in Kyiv partially resumed its work, though earlier it was informed that it will be opened in stages in August and December 2022 and March 2023. This facility suffered a rocket fire on March 20, 2022, which damaged the facades on the southeast side and one of the eight entrances, shattered some of the storefronts and damaged the decorations inside the building.

It was a difficult decision. We analyzed the situation a lot, assessed the damage, and looked for a solution on how to continue working and in what format. Our task as a business is to help the country’s economy, return jobs and pay taxes. This is our contribution to the economy of Ukraine. I also want to mention our visitors, who had also influenced our decision to open the mall earlier. We have received a lot of messages of support and warm feedback, these people are really looking forward to our opening. That’s why we made the decision to partially open the mall earlier.

The part that we’re opening has suffered the least, and after evaluation of the situation, we came to the conclusion that we’ll be able to provide its work from June 15 of this year. We started to reconstruct the mall as soon as possible. A lot of work had been done to clean and clear the territory, and many volunteers had joined us and helped us on this stage. Then we set about restoring part of the shopping and entertainment centre so that it could be opened to the public. At the same time renovation work is being carried out all around the mall in order to open 75 per cent of its area along with its key brands, movie theatre, food court, children’s entertainment complexes, and Novus supermarket at the beginning of August. We have big plans and we believe everything will work out.

The mall will work in an updated model. Due to martial law and curfew, the opening hours will be reduced in the evening. The mall will be open from Monday to Sunday, working hours from 10:00 to 19:00. It is important that some services, such as passport service and the service centre of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine will work on a separate schedule.

We also continue to collect information and communicate with our visitors about the schedule to make it as comfortable as possible for them.

More than 15 tenants, including Terranova, JYSK, New Balance, Famo, Duna, Vovk, Osczr, CallagHan, Formenti, Skechers, Vizhital, Sarto Grange, Athletics, CaseHub (island), Currency Exchange, Zrobi Sam (island), PRO Espresso and Coffeelat have reopened since June 15, 2022.

All lease issues are discussed and negotiated individually with each tenant. Everyone has very different situations and opportunities to continue cooperation. We try to find a balance and a partnership approach, we meet the tenants halfway. We are very flexible and cooperative in this matter. We did a lot of work to get those tenants, who have been open since June 15, back up and running.

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Незламні: київський ТРЦ Retroville планує часткове відкриття з 15 червня

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