October 23 – 25, the main event of the food industry – the 21st International Exhibition of Food and Beverages – WorldFood Ukraine 2018 – will take place at the IEC, in Kyiv, Ukraine.
On September 14, the best retailers and developers Second rewarding ceremony – the Retail & Development Business Awards – was held in Kiev in the CEC Parkovyi. As it was – in the photo-report.
The Ukrainian Retail Association awarded the winners of the “Retailer of the Year” and “Best SEC/Shopping Center Awards” contests at the Retail & Development Business Awards ceremony.
The awarding solemn ceremony of the best companies in the retail trade and commercial real estate of Ukraine sphere will be held on September 14 from 19:00 to 23:00 in Kiev at the CEC Parkovyi.
The rewarding solemn ceremony the best retailers and developers for the Retail & Development Business Awards-2018 will be held on September, 14 in Kiev, in the CEC Parkovyi, from 19 to 23.
The application for participation in the nomination could be submitted by any company that from July 1, 2017 to June 30, 2016, conducted a reform or reconception of at least one of its stores.
Who from retailers and shopping and entertainment centers are nominated for the award of the Retail & Development Business Awards and in which nominations.