The largest retail companies have joined the “National Cashback” («Національний кешбек») program

The largest retail companies have joined the “National Cashback” («Національний кешбек») program

10.09.2024 10:45

On September 2, the “National Cashback” program started in Ukraine in test mode, and leading retailers have already joined or are actively working on joining.

Participants in the “National Cashback” program are:

Auchan Україна, Копілка, мультимаркет Аврора, АТБ, Сільпо, Varus, Novus, Фора, Коло, Рукавичка, Епіцентр, Антошка, Comfy, Citrus, ТАВРІЯ-В, АРГОН, АНЦ, Аптека 3і, Аптека «911», мережа автозаправних комплексів Ukrnafta, WOG, ОККО, ГРОШ, “Будинок іграшок”.

In the near future, the following are planning to join the “National Cashback” program:

“Подорожник” pharmacy chain, Наш край та SPAR, Файно маркет, KFC and other companies.

All the mentioned companies are members of RAU.

The Retail Association of Ukraine supports the government’s initiative, which is designed to promote the support and development of Ukrainian production.

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