October, 16, Kyiv – workshop «RAU LOGISTIC DAY»

October, 16, Kyiv – workshop «RAU LOGISTIC DAY»

02.10.2019 08:15

Wednesday, 16th of October 2019, Ramada Encore Kyiv, 103, Stolychne Shose, Kyiv – let’s maximize the efficiency of your Supply Chain and save money in your Logistics.

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We invite Logistics Directors and Financial Directors to visit workshop «RAU logistic day». Special guest speakers – from Varus Supermarket and Fozzy Group Retail.

Main topics: replenishment time, cubic efficiency in transport, efficiency of your logistics. After workshop – Carlsberg Ex. Hartwall brewery visit (introduction tour & degustation). Bus transportation from Hotel will be arranged.



9.00 – 9.30 Registration at the Hotel

Coffee & drinks for all attendees at the Hotel

9.30 Welcome and introduction

  1. Hartwall today and in the future
  2. Hartwall as a Partner

Speaker: Stefan Lindh, Head of Business unit

10.00 Hartwall business in Ukraine

Speaker: Oleg Drin, Business Development

10.20 Presentation of K. Hartwall products

Logistic efficiency

Speaker: Igor Ciric, Regional Sales Manager

11.00 Coffee break

11.20 Varus supermarkets

The reason why we decided for K. Hartwall

Speaker: Yurii Poienko, Director of Logistic

11.40 Fozzy Supermarkets

The reason why we decided for K. Hartwall

12.00 Short presentation on K. Hartwall’s products in the hotel

Speaker: Igor Ciric, Regional Sales Manager

12.30 Lunch and networking

13.30 From hotel by bus to Carlsberg ex. Hartwall brewery

14.00 Carlsberg ex. Hartwall brewery visit – introduction tour & degustation

16.00 From brewery to hotel by bus

16.30 Arriving at Hotel – end of the day


  • Date: 16th of October 2019
  • Time: з 9:00
  • Place: Ramada Encore Kyiv, 103, Stolychne Shose, Kyiv

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