TOP-20 of the largest FMCG-chains in the world by the stores’ number (infographics)

TOP-20 of the largest FMCG-chains in the world by the stores’ number (infographics)

06.05.2019 08:05
Костянтин Симоненко

Companies from Japan, USA, Holland, France, Germany and immediately two chains from Russia are among the largest retail chains in the world. There are local players, known only in one region.

The global FMCG retail market regular research consistently confirms:  grocery chains and trade in associated consumer goods are among the most profitable. 6 companies in the top-10 in revenue terms are food retail representatives, according to the latest Global Powers of Retailing report for 2018 from Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu.

The retail stores’ number continues to grow from year to year in the same United States despite the growing competition in the food-retail industry sphere and the presence of large hypermarket chains such as Walmart. So, as of 2018 December, there were more than 65,000 of its in America.

However, a large number of stores do not guarantee a large net profit. It is just looked at our table leaders and tried to find these companies in the Deloitte report. At the same time, this will be explained not only by the grocery retail low margin, but also by related factors’ number.

For example, the Japanese chain 7-Eleven, which has left far behind competitors in the outlets’ number, is developing in franchise, and its stores are very small outlets. A similar development path was chosen by the Dutch group SPAR, which actively sells franchises and operates in four formats at once: a mini-market, a convenience store, a supermarket and a hypermarket.

The several brands’ presence in Groups that are formally included in different departments and submit independent reports also plays a role in addition to franchising. For example, the Austrian REWE Group, in addition to the well-known Ukrainian consumer brand Billa, manages stores under Penny, Penny Market, REWE signs and others. A business of Group is divided into different divisions, the financial results of which are consolidated only in conglomerate financial statements, when the profit of one direction may be reduced due to losses of another.

Russia’s largest chain X5 Retail Group (Perekrestok and Pyaterochka brands) with its almost 15,000 stores, last year earned less than $23 billion, while Walmart earned 20 times more revenue (about $ 500 billion).

We tried to include only grocery stores in our rating considering that many chains have drogerie stores in its structure.

Unfortunately, Ukrainian retail is not yet sufficiently developed to be on such lists for any indicator. Ukraine’s largest chain ATB has a total of 1,000 stores. And the compatriots’ low purchasing power restrains the domestic trade turnover development.

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Top-10 most expensive retail-brands of the world in 2018 (infographics)

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