Two weeks early birds price to MAPIC-2018 – discount for tickets is 30%

Two weeks early birds price to MAPIC-2018 – discount for tickets is 30%

13.09.2018 08:00

On November 14-16, the main European exhibition of the retail and development — MAPIC-2018 — will be held in French Cannes.

The Ukrainian Retail Association invites to visit the largest European thematic exhibition devoted to retail and development: MAPIC-2018, which will be held from 14 to 16 November on the French Riviera Coast in Cannes.


Until September 28 tickets for the event are offered at 30% discount.


The exhibition provides exceptional opportunities:

  • To establish contacts between retailers, investors and specialists in real estate trade;
  • To conclude profitable deals;
  • To find completely new markets;
  • To lay the foundation for the professional cooperation in the most favorable conditions;
  • To form partnerships with other market players;
  • To impart own development the international direction;
  • To study the trends, get acquainted with the latest directions in the industry development.

Last year, the exhibition was attended by 8600 participants from 3800 companies. There was approximately the following distribution in the activity spheres: 2,100 — retailers, with many newcomers, about 400 brands participated for the first time; 2500 — developers; 1000 — investors.


You can and should go on MAPIC at any stage of your company’s development. If you just started working in retail, it will be useful to get acquainted with the leading players, with current trends in retail trade, to peep interesting solutions and find free niches, and if you are lucky — then you can find the investor. Then visiting the exhibition will give an opportunity to keep a hand on the pulse, react quickly to changes, and actively use international experience, knowledge and achievements. Well, if you want to get out of business, then it’s precisely coming on MAPIC thousand investors whom you can sell own project.

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The meeting point cannot be changed: what will be presented at MAPIC-2018

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