RAU Expo 2022: last week of early sales

RAU Expo 2022: last week of early sales

26.01.2022 12:10

The largest retail meeting in the country – the International Exhibition RAU Expo-2022 – will take place on April 13-14, 2022 at the NSC Olimpiyskiy.

The Ukrainian Retail Association invites representatives of companies in the sphere of retail, development, investors, brokers and consultants, companies of the b2b segment to the VI Annual Exhibition of Industry – RAU EXPO-2022, which will be held on April 13-14, 2022 in Kiev at the NSC Olimpiyskiy.

It is waiting for you:

  • 2 days of the exhibition from more than 100 exhibiting-companies – main retailers and developers of the country
  • rich business program with speeches and discussions of experts in three conference- rooms
  • Top 100 speakers of industry
  • 500 participating-companies and 1500 guests – representatives of retail, development and B2B companies providing services in the retail and SEC sphere.

More than 50 companies have confirmed its participation in RAU EXPO-2022. Among its are LPP Group, Rozetka, Megasport, Must Have, Alef Estate, West Group Development, SEC Victory Plaza, SEC KOMOD, Darynok Market Mall, SEC Zlata Plaza, etc. There are among first exhibitors of the exhibition – Consulting for Retail, Budhouse Group, Dragon Capital, Bizerba, Synergy Construction, Diodoka, Meest, CPG, Fondy, Midsan, Rabota.ua, RDA, U&SLUNO, Ewave mobile, Textilbox, Avatek, Lumiere, WRS and others.

There are among first exhibitors of the exhibition


Tickets price increase already in a week

Early sales will be closed on 31.01!

Hurry up to buy at a special price!




Contact person for registration questions:
Sofia Shutaya / +38 050 313 74 53 / s.shutaya@rau.ua

Contact persons for advertising and partnership:
Julia Kushka / +38 067 223 07 30 / j.kushka@rau.ua
Anna Kuprienko / +38 063 566 75 93 / a.kupriienko@rau.ua
Victoria Fedosenko / +380 (97) 005 74 17 / v.fedosenko@rau.ua

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