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The delegation of the Ukrainian Retail Association went to the largest European industry exhibition MAPIC to present Ukrainian retail to investors and developers, as well as to get acquainted with the latest trends in trade and commercial real estate.
A symbolic event for European retailers is these days in French Cannes: the annual exhibition MAPIC-2017, held for the 23rd time. For three days, the world film industry capital has accepted more than 8,500 thousand visitors – retailers, developers, investors and the sphere b2b companies. Businessmen from 80 countries take part in the exhibition, 700 projects of the retail and development sphere are presented in the territory of several thousand square meters. RAU could not stay away from the landmark event: the delegation represents Ukrainian retail at MAPIC, acquainting foreign partners with the realities and domestic retail prospects, and also studies advanced international experience and invites new brands to the country.
The traditional Cannes festive path are greeted all guests of MAPIC. However, unlike the film festival, now it is made in the corporate color of the exhibition – pink.
The total expo-zone square, where the stands of event participants are presented, is more than 12 000 sq. m – and at the same time, it will not work to assess the scale of the all-European exhibition: the halls are located in two different buildings on several levels.
However, their projects are presented not only by Europeans, it is possible to find here the existing and building shopping centers, trade marks, investors and consultants from around the world. In particular, from: India
and many other countries.
The scope of investors and developers plans from Asia is impressive. Here, for example, it is only part of the stand, where businessmen talk about the new SEC opening scheduled for 2018.
A project is also presented from Ukraine – SEC Ocean Mall, which is being built by Vagif Aliyev.
In addition, one of the domestic projects is nominated for the MAPIC Awards in the category o2o – “online to offline”. We are talking about Dmitry Kostik project on using of interactive tables on SEC food courts, which allow you to make orders and study the Internet without stopping from eating.
Many exhibitors have spared no time and energy to present their current and future projects in the most detailed and vivid manner. How it will look in reality, while it is difficult to say, but the layouts are impressive with detailed and thorough elaboration.
Wishing could stroll through the shopping and entertainment center with the help of virtual reality glasses, in addition to getting acquainted with the layout. New technologies are penetrating more and more into business sphere, and now developers are willing to use its, in order to potential clients, investors and tenants could carefully study the trade objects with their own eyes.
Of course, the retail brands are also widely represented at the exhibition: also from around the world, but with an emphasis on European brands.
But one of the main reasons why MAPIC enjoys such popularity among retailers and developers from all over the world is the opportunity to communicate, tie new and renew old acquaintances, find partners, investors, learn about the latest achievements of technology companies operating in the b2b segment.
It was one of the RAU delegation’s visit purposes to the exhibition – to tell about Ukraine and its potential, to interest new brands in our country and attract new retailers to it.
Ukraine remains one of the potentially attractive markets for many players in the retail market, but most do not quite understand what is happening and what are the main Ukrainian retail market trends. Therefore, RAU co-founders Alexander Fialka and Andrei Zhuk talked a lot about the real situation in this segment, cited examples when world leaders have already announced their intentions to go to Ukraine. So, it is possible that new international brands will appear on the domestic market next year, which will mean an additional bonus to reputation and will attract investments to the country.
There are four conference zones on the exhibition territory, in addition to the huge exhibition zone. Two of it are highly specialized: Innovation Forum, where there are presented new solutions and ideas for retail, as well as start-ups and the Leisure zone, at which the companies presented the latest achievements in the entertainment industry for SEC visitors.
Conferences, seminars and panel discussions were continuously held at two other venues on the most pressing retail and development problems. There was no shortage in wanting to get acquainted with someone else’s experience.
The MAPIC-2017 main theme is Food & Beverage segment. Therefore, a separate floor was allocated for companies providing guests of all SEC with food and drinks, and many operators worked on it, enticing visitors to the exhibition with seductive smells and tastings of a wide variety of dishes.
The number of people who came to the Cannes Palais des Festivals was really amazing: about a dozen languages were constantly heard, and near the stands sometimes it was not pushed.
However, it was possible to meet at the exhibition not only people, but also charming robots telling about the company’s products and even luminous angels – an obvious reference to not too distant Christmas.
Read more –
Cannes for retail: what Ukrainian business can discover on MAPIC 2017