Modern-Eхро will take part in the no. 1 World Retail Exhibition, EuroShop 2020

Modern-Eхро will take part in the no. 1 World Retail Exhibition, EuroShop 2020

09.10.2019 08:15
Іван Зайцев

International company Modern-Eхро, a global manufacturer of trade equipment and supplier of complete solutions for retail, will be a participant of the EuroShop exhibition. This magnificent exhibition of trade equipment will take place next year February 16th through 20th in Düsseldorf.

Once again EuroShop will become not just the biggest expository area, but a discussion platform for the leaders of the world’s retail as well. Designers, architects, conceptualists, leading manufacturers of trade equipment will get together to discuss how to respond to the challenges that the industry has been facing lately.

“We have taken part in EuroShop exhibition since 2005, that is, next year will be our sixth time,” — Modern-Expo’s CEO Petro Pylypiuk comments. — Between now and then we have not just become a major player of global retail. We have drastically changed our approach to working with clients, partners and dealers. Now we are joining in to form an ecosystem. We are beset with common challenges these days and work together to find solutions. Modern realities demand that we change faster than the analysts may have foreseen. We feel the necessity of bringing together various areas of expertise within a single environment. That is why dozens of our partners from different countries will be working with us at our booth.”

This time not only will we be presenting out traditional solutions for retail: racking systems, checkouts, branded and refrigeration equipment. Within the space of our booth, we will be introducing our new product lines, equipment with implemented smart solutions.

“We will share our experience in creating dynamic and automated solutions for warehousing, which are already changing fundamentally the work of distributors and manufacturers of different types of products operating within the warehouse logistics segment,” — says Mr. Bogdan Lukasik, Co-owner and Head of Board at Modern-Expo. “We will present to international retailers and postal operators our Last Mile solutions. Our booth will become an example of the implementation of our conceptual design solutions for retail spaces.

All in all, the said solutions, approaches and technologies were combined to create a prototype of a shop we had to come up with in response to what the time demands from us. This is our vision of the store of the future, which at EuroShop 2020 will become a new milestone in the development of Modern-Expo.”

Welcome to Modern-Eхро’s booth — 13/B15!

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The Fourth Modern Retail Forum: The Future of Retail is in Complete System of Innovations Technologies and Emotional Experience

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