The consumer confidence of Ukrainians worsened in January 2017: The Consumer Confidence Index equals 53,7, which is 3,4 points lower than the last month indicator.
The management of the Lavina Mall warned a food court tenants about fast moving. It is not excluded that shop of the clothes brand, most anticipated in Ukraine, – H&M – will be open on a food court place.
Among the many unexpected trends we saw in retail over the last year was the significant shift towards spending in the leisure industry, as consumers moved away from physical retail purchases. Valentine’s Day
Founder of Dragon Capital Investment Company Tomas Fiala, told in an interview to “Economicheskaja Pravda” portal about why foreign investors can’t get justice in the courts in Ukraine.
Sources of the magazine “New Times” claimed that H&M is preparing to enter stores in Ukraine and already asking rent price in the largest malls and at Khreshchatyk street.