Zelensky asks to disconnect Russia from Visa and Mastercard

Zelensky asks to disconnect Russia from Visa and Mastercard

27.02.2022 03:09
Іван Зайцев

The Russian Federation has started a deceptive and disgraceful military attack on my country! Just imagine, in 2022, cruise missiles attack residential neighbourhoods, kindergartens and hospitals in the heart of Europe.

We need your support: in 2022, the use of technologies is perhaps the best answer to tanks, Grad rocket launchers and missiles.

I urgently appeal to you with a request to block all Visa and MasterCard payment services both within the Russian Federation and abroad, on all, without exception, cards issued in the territory of the Russian Federation.

I ask you to support our country on its mission to preserve democracy and sovereignty and to end the violent killings of civilians in Ukraine. I am sure that you will do everything possible to stop this senseless war!

Let’s support the appeal of President of Ukraine to Visa and MasterCard: take a decisive step – leave Russia. Leave comments with the hashtag #VisaMastercardleaveRussia and mark Visa and MasterCard.

Together we can do it!

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