Chornomorka openes its first restaurant in a shopping mall at Respublika Park Mall

The Ukrainian Retail Association awarded the winners of the “Retailer of the Year” and “Best SEC” contests at the Retail & Development Business Awards ceremony.
On September 14, the first ceremony of rewarding the best retailers and developers of Ukraine – the Retail & Development Business Awards – took place in Kiev in the Park’s Exhibition Center. The Ukrainian Retail Association is the event organizer.
The best retail companies competed for the victory in nine nominations: Retailer of the Year in drogerie, Retailer of the Year in Engineering and Electronics, Multichannel Retailer of the Year, Jewelry Retailer of the Year, Boutique Retailer of the Year in Cosmetics and Perfumes, Retailer of the Year of Children’s Products, Supermarket of the Year, Retailer of the Year sportswear and footwear, Anchor fashion-tenant of the year. Partner nomination is: Reconception of the Year in retail.
The winners were determined by the vote of the Retail & Development Business Awards Expert Council and the open voting of market participants. Each nominee was assessed by 8 criteria on a scale from 1 to 5. The full methodology of the study is available on the link.
The following companies won the voting results:
Shopping and entertainment centers fought for the victory in five categories: Best large SEC, Best medium-sized SEC, Best small SEC, Best marketing SEC, Best SEC for CSR. Partnership nomination is: Renovation of the Year.
The winners were determined by the vote of the Retail & Development Business Awards Expert Council and the open voting of market participants. Each nominee was assessed by 12 criteria on a scale of 1 to 5. The full methodology of the study is available on the link.
The following companies won the voting results:
In addition, the experts and guests of the Retail & Development Business Awards selected people who made the most for the retail and retail real estate development in Ukraine in 2016 – 17. In the nomination Person of the Year in Retail, Vladimir Kostelman (Fozzy Group) won.
In the nomination “Person of the Year in Development”, Maxim Gavryushin (Budhouse Group) won.
The awarding first ceremony partners for the best retailers and SEC of Ukraine are:
The Ukrainian Retail Association thanks the Expert Council members and market players who took part in the determination of the best companies in the trade sphere and the best SEC of Ukraine, all guests of the Retail & Development Business Awards and invites all to Retail & Development Business Summit, which will be held on 7, December in Kiev at the Park’s Exhibition Center. We are waiting for you at the main event of the year in the Ukrainian retail – Retail & Development Business Summit.