5th Anniversary Ceremony Awarding RAU Awards – 2021

5th Anniversary Ceremony Awarding RAU Awards – 2021

19.07.2021 08:30
Іван Зайцев

September 10, TsUM Kiev – V Solemn Ceremony Awarding of best companies in the retail, e-commerce and retail real estate spheres of Ukraine by 2020/21 end – RAU Awards-2021.

The Retail Association of Ukraine announces the holding of the fifth large-scale event – RAU Awards, at which most successful retail and development companies in the country will be named and awarded.

The award “Retailer of the Year” will be awarded retail companies recognized as best participants and market experts in 15 nominations. The best SECs and the best consulting company will be awarded in 6 nominations within the Shopping Center Awards competition. And largest online-stores will compete for the victory yet in 6 nominations. A special prize is awarded to most successful people in the retail, development and e-commerce sphere: “Person of the Year in Retail”, “Person of the Year in Development” and “Person of the Year in e-commerce”.


Following nominations will feature this year at RAU Awards:

Retailer of the Year

  • Retailer of the Year in Drogerie – retail chains offering beauty, care and health products are evaluated. The short-list is formed according to 2 criteria: a) largest number of stores; b) the greatest geographical coverage. Data on the number of stores and geographical coverage are taken as of June 30, 2021.
  • Retailer of the Year in “Dollar Store” segment – retail chains offering non-food items at a fixed price are evaluated. The short-list is formed according to 2 criteria: a) largest number of stores; b) the greatest geographical coverage. Data on the number of stores and geographical coverage are taken as of June 30, 2021.
  • Retailer of the Year in the segment of appliances, electronics and gadgets – retail chains with a store square from ​​100 sq. m (except mono-brand stores), offering household and computer equipment, mobile devices and accessories are evaluated. The short-list is formed according to 2 criteria: a) largest number of stores; b) the greatest geographical coverage. Data on the number of stores and geographical coverage are taken as of June 30, 2021.
  • Retailer of the Year in jewelry – retail chains offering jewelry, items made of precious metals are evaluated. The short-list is formed according to 2 criteria: a) largest number of stores; b) the greatest geographical coverage. Data on the number of stores and geographical coverage are taken as of June 30, 2021.
  • Retailer of the Year in the segment of goods for children – retail chains with at least 10 stores offering toys and goods for children are evaluated. The short-list is formed according to 2 criteria: a) largest number of stores; b) the greatest geographical coverage. Data on the number of stores and geographical coverage are taken as of June 30, 2021.
  • Convenience Store / mini-market of the Year in FMCG – retail chains selling groceries and FMCG products are evaluated. The short-list is formed from companies that manage largest number of stores with the square ​​up to 500 sq. m. Data on the number of stores and geographical coverage are taken as of June 30, 2021.
  • Compact Supermarket of the Year in FMCG – retail chains selling groceries and consumer goods are evaluated. The short-list is formed according to 3 criteria: a) the largest number of stores with square from 5000 to 1000 sq. m; b) the geographical coverage includes at least three regions; c) turnover for 2020. Data on the number of stores and geographical coverage are taken as of 06/30/2021.
  • Supermarket of the Year in FMCG – retail chains selling products and consumer goods are evaluated. The short-list is formed according to 3 criteria: a) largest number of stores with the square from 1000 to 3000 sq. m; b) the geographical coverage includes at least 4 regions; c) turnover for 2020. Data on the number of stores and geographical coverage are taken as of June 30, 2021.
  • Hypermarket of the Year in FMCG – retail chains selling products and consumer goods are evaluated. The short-list is formed according to 3 criteria: a) the number of stores with the square from ​​3,000 sq. m; b) the geographical coverage; c) the presence in the assortment of food and non-food groups, appliances, clothing, household goods, etc. Data on the number of stores and geographical coverage are taken as of June 30, 2021.
  • Retailer of the Year in the sportswear and footwear segment – retail chains selling goods for sports, tourism and outdoor activities are evaluated. The short-list is formed according to 2 criteria: a) largest number of stores; b) the greatest geographical coverage. Data on the number of stores and geographical coverage are taken as of June 30, 2021.
  • Retailer of the Year in the segment of goods for home and comfort – retail chains selling furniture and household goods are evaluated. The short-list is formed according to 2 criteria: a) largest number of stores with the square from ​​500 sq. m; b) the greatest geographical coverage. Data on the number of stores and geographical coverage are taken as of June 30, 2021.
  • Retailer of the Year in the segment of lingerie and related products – retail chains specializing in the sale of lingerie and related products that have opened at least 10 stores as of June 30, 2021 are evaluated.
  • Fashion-operator of the Year – foreign companies operating in the fashion- segment and having opened at least 10 stores with the square from ​​300 sq. m. are evaluated.
  • Anchor fashion-tenant of the Year – foreign companies operating in the fashion segment and have opened at least 5 stores with the square from ​​1000 sq. m. are evaluated.
  • Retailer of the Year in Pharmacy Retail – retail chains selling drugs and medical products are evaluated. The short-list is formed according to 3 criteria: a) largest number of pharmacies; b) the geographical coverage includes at least five regions; c) turnover for 2020. Data on the number of stores and geographical coverage are taken as of June 30, 2021.
  • Retailer of the Year in gas&oil segment – retail chains selling fuels and lubricants and related products are evaluated. The short-list is formed according to two criteria: a) largest number of filling stations; b) turnover for 2020. Data on the number of stores and geographical coverage are taken as of June 30, 2021.
  • Retailer of the Year in optics and related products’ segment – retail chains selling glasses, contact lenses and related production are evaluated. The short-list is formed according to 2 criteria: a) the number of stores is at least 10; b) the geographical coverage includes at least three regions. Data on the number of stores and the geographical coverage are taken as of 06/30/2021.
  • Retailer of the Year in goods for pets’ segment – retail chains selling pet products and related production are evaluated. The short-list is formed according to 2 criteria: a) the number of stores is at least 10; b) the geographical coverage includes at least three regions. Data on the number of stores and geographical coverage are taken as of 06/30/2021.
  • Person of the Year in Retail

Best e-commerce retailers

  • E-commerce retailer of the Year in the health, beauty and care products’ segment
  • E-commerce retailer of the Year in the technology, electronics and gadgets’ segment
  • E-commerce retailer of the Year in fashion
  • E-commerce retailer of the Year in jewelry
  • E-commerce retailer of the Year in the segment of goods for children
  • E-commerce retailer of the Year in the sportswear and footwear segment
  • Person of the Year in e-commerce

Best SEC / Shopping Center Awards

  • The best small SEC outside million-plus cities – shopping centers operating in regional centers (except for Kiev, Odessa, Kharkov, Dnepr and Lvov) with the rental square from ​​10,000 sq. m. to 19,999 sq. m. are evaluated.
  • The best average SEC center outside the million-plus cities – shopping centers operating in regional centers (except for Kiev, Odessa, Kharkov, Dnepr and Lvov) with the rental square from ​​20,000 sq. m. to 39 999 sq. m. are evaluated.
  • The best large SEC outside million-plus cities – shopping centers operating in regional centers (except for Kiev, Odessa, Kharkov, Dnepr and Lvov) with the rental square ​​over 40,000 sq. m. are evaluated.
  • The best small SEC in million-plus cities – shopping centers operating in Kiev, Odessa, Kharkov, Dnepr, Lvov with the rental square from ​​10,000 sq. m. to 19,999 sq. m. are evaluated.
  • The best average SEC in million-plus cities – shopping centers operating in Kiev, Odessa, Kharkov, Dnepr, Lvov with the leasable square from ​​20,000 sq. m. to 39 999 sq. m. are evaluated.
  • The best large SEC in million-plus cities – shopping centers operating in Kiev, Odessa, Kharkov, Dnepr, Lvov with the leasable square ​​over 40,000 sq. m. are evaluated.
  • The opening of the Year in Development – shopping centers with rental square from ​​10,000 sq. m, opened in regional centers during the period from 07/01/2020 to 06/30/2021 are estimated
  • The best Retail Property Consultant Company – retail property brokerage and advisory firms with experience of work in shopping and entertainment centers, as well as national and international retail chains are evaluated.
  • Person of the Year in Development

The complete methodology of the competition is available by link


The V Anniversary Solemn Ceremony of awarding of best companies in the retail, e-commerce and retail real estate’ sphere of Ukraine – RAU Awards-2021 – will be held on September 10 from 19:00 to 23:30 at the TSUM Kyiv (38 Khreschatyk str.).

You can view the photo report from the fourth awards ceremony by this link; video review of the event is presented below.

Contact person for registration:

Olesya Kobceva

Contact persons for advertising and partnerships:

Julia Kushka

  • Head of Business Development Department
  • +38 067 223 07 30
  • kushka@rau.ua

Anna Kuprienko

Larisa Kadura


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