Eco cleaning. The development of green cleaning in Ukraine from SHEN Facility Management

Eco cleaning. The development of green cleaning in Ukraine from SHEN Facility Management

05.02.2019 08:00

Environmental friendliness is an indisputable and perhaps the main global trend in all sectors of the economy of our planet. Facility management is no exception.

In cleaning services, which will be discussed below, the environmental friendliness of cleaning products has become an extremely important additional value.

SHEN Facility Management as a socially responsible company uses a number of eco-friendly detergents and cleaning products, including Argumin disinfectants from Ukrnano. These funds are used to disinfect surfaces, water and air of the so-called sanitation facilities.

Unlike chlorine, which is most often used as the cheapest disinfectant, eco-friendly products do not smell and do not harm the health of people in the room. Disinfection measures can be carried out in the presence of people and without special protective equipment.

It is no secret that chlorine is a volatile substance, and, depending on its concentration, it evaporates within a few hours, with which the antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal effects stop. Argumin due to the unique composition and content of silver creates a protective film on the surfaces and protects the room for 48 hours. There are several advantages for SHEN and its customers here:

  • Cost savings. When wiping surfaces, the consumption of the eco-device is 11 UAH per 100 square meters, the use of chlorine and chlorine-containing drugs will be at least 17 UA. per 100 sq. m;
  • Optimization of work. Disinfection is needed much less frequently, which allows you to focus on other areas of work;
  • Maintaining the health of staff and customers. The absence of toxic substances that evaporate does not cause allergies, does not endanger the respiratory tract of people, but at the same time kills more than 700 types of harmful microorganisms and prevents them from spreading
  • Eco-friendly disinfectants at the enterprises working with food according to HACCP safety standards are indispensable

In the modern world, taking care of your own staff, customers and visitors is very important, this is an important competitive advantage, carrying a positive experience. The information that the rooms are treated with silver particles and not chlorine is an excellent proof of this concern.

Let’s talk about illustrative examples. Studies conducted in one of the major shopping and entertainment centers of the capital after disinfection using Argumin showed a complete absence of enterobacteria, NBEP, staphylococci, enterococci.

Also, the use of these tools has been extremely effective in disinfecting latrines. Samples taken for analysis after processing public toilets at the airport showed the absence of E. coli and S.Aureus (staphylococcus) bacteria in them.

Unfortunately, in our country there are many myths about the high cost and impracticality of using “green” products. The SHEN Facility Management Company, in its experience of using environmentally friendly cleaning products, shown in this article proves their effectiveness and efficiency. The use of advanced solutions in cleaning is one of the most important tasks that our company sets itself!

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