Retail & Development Business Awards: 21 nomination for retailers and 5 for the SEC

Retail & Development Business Awards: 21 nomination for retailers and 5 for the SEC

10.07.2018 01:39
Іван Зайцев

The second all-Ukrainian competition of the best retail and retail real estate companies will be held in September 14, Kiev, CEC Parkovyi.

The Ukrainian Retail Association announces the second large-scale event holding, at which the most successful companies of retail and development of the country – Retail & Development Business Awards – will be named and awarded. The successes and achievements of the retail and retail real estate companies are estimated for the period from 30.06.17 to 01.07.18.


Sphere retail companies, recognized as the best by participants and market experts, will be awarded the “Retailer of the Year” award in 14 nominations, and the largest online-stores will compete in 6 nominations for the victory. The special prize is given to the most successful person from the retail industry: “Person of the Year in Retail”.

This year, the following nominations will be presented at the Retail & Development Business Awards:

  • Retailer of the Year in drogerie – retail chains offering products related to beauty, care and health, are estimated.
  • Boutique retailer of the Year in cosmetics and perfumery – retail chains with a store square ​​up to 100 sq. m, offering products associated with care, cosmetics and perfumes, are estimated.
  • Retailer of the Year in the segment of engineering, electronics and gadgets – retail chains with a shopping square from ​​100 sq.(except monobrand stores), offering household and computer equipment, mobile devices and accessories, are estimated.
  • Retailer of the Year in jewelry – retail chains offering jewelry, jewerly made from precious metals, are estimated.
  • Retailer of the Year in the segment of products for children – retail chains with a number of stores from 10, offering toys, goods for children, are estimated.
  • Supermarket of the Year in FMCG – retail chains selling products and everyday goods ​(stores square up 1000 to 3000 sq. m) are estimated.
  • Hypermarket of the Year in FMCG – retail chains selling products and goods of daily demand are estimated (​​store’s square from 3000 sq. m. It is necessary to have in the assortment a product and non-food group, machinery, clothes, home goods, etc.).
  • Retailer of the Year in the sportswear and footwear segment – retail chains selling goods for sports, tourism and outdoor activities are estimated.
  • Retailer of the Year in the goods for home and coziness segment – retail chains selling furniture and household goods are estimated.
  • National fashion-operator of the Year – Ukrainian companies operating in the fashion segment and having opened at least 10 stores on June, 30, 2018 are estimated.
  • International fashion–operator of the Year – foreign companies operating in the fashion segment and opened on June 30, 2018, at least 10 stores with square from 300 sq. are estimated.
  • Anchor fashion–tenant of the Year – foreign companies operating in the fashion segment and opened on June 30, 2018 at least 5 stores with square from ​​1000 sq. are estimated.
  • Multichannel retailer of the Year – companies that have offline-stores and online-stores and presented in one of the Retail & Development Business Awards nominations are estimated.
  • Best shop-concept of the Year – retailers who independently nominated themselves for participation in the nomination are estimated. The obligatory condition of participation in the nomination is: during the period from 30.06.17 to 01.07.18 the retailer reformatted one or several stores, introduced a new format or other innovations.
  • Person of the Year in Retail
  • E-commerce-retailer of the Year in the products for health, beauty and care segment
  • E-commerce-retailer of the Year in the engineering, electronics and gadgets segment
  • E-commerce-retailer of the Year in fashion
  • E-commerce-retailer of the Year in jewelry
  • E-commerce-retailer of the Year in the products for children segment
  • E-commerce-retailer of the Year in the sportswear and footwear segment

Shopping centers, recognized by the results of participants and market experts’ survey best in one of the 4 nominations, receive the “Best SEC/Shopping Center Awards” award. The shopping and entertainment centers with a leasing square (GLA) from 15 000 sq. and working in Kiev, Odessa, Kharkov, Dnepr, Lvov are estimated and awarded. A special prize is given to the most successful person from the commercial real estate development sphere: “Person of the Year in Development”.

This year, the following nominations will be presented at Retail & Development Business Awards:

  • Best small SEC – shopping centers operating in Kiev, Odessa, Kharkov, Dnepr, Lvov with leasing square up ​​15 000 to 19 999 sq. m are estimated
  • Best middle SEC – shopping centers operating in Kiev, Odessa, Kharkov, Dnepr, Lvov with leasing square up ​​20 000 to 39 999 sq. m are estimated
  • Best large SEC – shopping centers operating in Kiev, Odessa, Kharkov, Dnepr, Lvov with leasing square ​​over 40 000 sq. m are estimated
  • Best outlet-center – shopping centers operating in Kiev, Odessa, Kharkov, Dnepr, Lvov, with leasing square from ​​15 000 sq. m, where at least 40% of tenants are stock and outlet-stores, are estimated.
  • Person of the Year in Development

The second solemn ceremony of the best retail and retail companies awarding – Retail & Development Business Awards – will take place on September 14, 2018 at the CEC Parkovyi (16A Parkovaya road, Kiev).

The event title partner is VOVK clothing studios chain.

VOVK clothing studio chain is the №1 among young Ukrainian clothing brands in growth and customer confidence terms, according to many experts. In 2016, the company won the nomination “National Manufacturer of the Year of clothes for women” at the contest “Choice of the Year 2016”.

The competition full methodology in 2017 is available on the link.

The competition winners “Retailer of the Year” and “Person of the Year in retail” – 2017 can be found on the link.

The competition winners “Best Shopping Center Awards” and “Person of the Year in Development” – 2017 can be found on the link.


Contact person for registration:

Olesya Kobtseva / Client manager (+38 050 313 74 53 /

Contact person for partnership:

Eduard Kovtun / Partnership manager (+38 073 213 50 61 /

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The tickets selling for the Retail & Development Business Summit- 2018 are started

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