Auchan Ukraine will head Victoria Lutsenko and she will develop new formats of stores

Auchan Ukraine will head Victoria Lutsenko and she will develop new formats of stores

20.12.2017 09:00
Іван Зайцев

Current head of Auchan Ukraine Gerard Galle will move to a similar position in the Polish group unit.

This is reported on the official website Auchan Ukraine. Victoria Lutsenko and Gerard Galle will start from the 2018 beginning to their duties. In addition, the Auchan management structure has changed: now each country directors and the auxiliary services heads will directly obey to the CEO Auchan Retail Villem Ubner.

Victoria Lutsenko held the direction “Customers and Innovations” of the Hungarian division, prior to the appointment of Auchan Ukraine head. Gerard Galle began his career in the Auchan US in 1994, where he grew up from the department manager to the branch manager. Halle moved to Russia in 2003 after the American branch closure, where he was offered the director for development position. Since 2007, he held the post of the French group Ukrainian office general director.

Personnel reshuffles are associated with the Auchan group new concept implementation, calculated until 2025. Company introduces multiformat under a single brand within this strategy framework, in all countries of its presence: that is, the company will also open other formats stores apart from classical hypermarkets. Recall, for the first time, that the French are considering the developing a “store by the house” format possibility in Ukraine, RAU reported yet in April. In October, the company sold its stake in the Furshet supermarket chain: exactly signed with the Furshet owner Igor Balenko agreement did not allow Auchan to work in Ukraine differently than in the supermarket format. The announcement of the development new concept introduction and starting in April preparations for the new formats development confirm that next year we can expect from the French company of rapid growth in previously unused niches.

“The new organization will allow us to accelerate the company transformation. I am confident in our new Concept 2025, and we will become even more flexible, collaborative and increase the responsibility of each country, thanks to the new team”, said Villembert Ubner.

Info. Auchan Retail is one of the food products five major brands in the world, represented in 17 countries (with a turnover of 51.7 billion euros in 2016). The brand unites the food commerce all formats, totaling 3,715 sales outlets: hypermarkets, superstores, supermarkets and convenience stores, supplemented by online-directions and drives in some countries. It is 35th employer in the world 345 365 employees.

Auchan Retail Ukraine has been operating in Ukraine since 2007, the first store opening in Kiev was held in 2008. By the 2017 end, the chain will have 20 stores in 9 cities. It is one of the largest international employers in Ukraine, employing more than 6000 employees.

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