ADER HABER Free webinar: “How to settle labor relations during quarantine: ready-made solutions for HR and business”

ADER HABER Free webinar: “How to settle labor relations during quarantine: ready-made solutions for HR and business”

29.04.2020 02:38


TIME: 13 pm

DURATION: 1,5 hour

Free of charge

LOCATION: Zoom, Facebook

SPEAKER: Tetyana Ivanovych, counsel, advocate

AN INVITED GUEST: Inna Ischuk, HR Director, Persha Pryvatna Brovarnia


  • The main changes in labour legislation – flexible working hours and remote (home-based) work
  • Major obligations of employment in the enterprise during quarantine
  • Employees at the age 60+: May they allow to work or not?
  • Production stoppage: peculiarities of introduction under the quarantine conditions
  • Staff transportation during quarantine

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